Join us in our upcoming charity anthology and share your message with the world.

We currently have 25 chapters in progress and are able to accept five more.

Wellness Through Words
A Multivocal Anthology on Healthcare, Patient Safety, and Wellness


Multivocal – Having many different interpretations of equal validity

You do not have to be a healthcare or wellness provider to share a chapter. While we do want the provider’s vantage point, we also value the experiences and lessons learned from patients and family members. This anthology promises to be an insightful, vibrant, and inspiring collection of personal stories, perspectives, and issues related to healthcare, patient safety, and wellness. It will shed light on the experiences of many to show how, by sharing our words, we can inspire change and empower individuals to feel comfortable voicing their concerns and prioritizing health.

Navigating the healthcare system can often feel overwhelming and isolating. Perhaps a word or two from you can improve the trajectory of someone else’s health journey. Our experiences and knowledge can facilitate impactful changes. Let’s join together to prioritize mindful healthcare and patient safety, ensuring that good health and wellness become the natural result.

Target Readers

The target market for this book is anyone concerned about health and wellness or who has experienced the delivery or receipt of healthcare. This includes patients, family members, and healthcare providers. We will promote and market the book to our radio listener list of over 100,000. These people have communicated directly with me and listened to my nationally syndicated weekly Speak Up and Stay Alive patient safety radio programs. In addition, we are in contact with hospitals and healthcare organizations nationwide that have used our previous healthcare anthology for training and gift purposes. 


We have experience in publishing anthologies. Here is our recent healthcare-related book.

Highway to Heart, Humor, and Honesty in Healthcare

AWARDED AMAZON #1 NEW RELEASE: Hospital Administration – Doctors and Medicine – Questions and Answers Reference and AWARDED AMAZON #1 BEST SELLER: Medical Education and Training – Health Reference


Chapter Fee: $198.00 – please scroll to the bottom of the page for entry form and payment

This anthology is dedicated to charity – thus, the chapter fee/donation. The donation from our previous anthology was used to send fun and colorful pillowcases to children’s hospitals through Case for Smiles.

Why Pillowcases?

In 2008, my mother was harmed by several hospital errors that left her disabled. In the years leading up to her death, sewing was the only activity she was able to do. She used her skills to create beautiful one-of-a-kind pillowcases, which we donated to hospitals, homeless veteran shelters, and domestic abuse homes for women and children. Despite her suffering, she was grateful to be alive and wanted to share her joy with others in need. I am committed to honoring her legacy by continuing to make and send pillowcases to shelters. Additionally, I am combining my efforts with the publication of this anthology.

This current anthology (WELLNESS THROUGH WORDS) chapter donation will send curated boxes of handmade gifts to women and children experiencing homelessness. Your donation is tax-deductible through our friendship with Enchanted Makeovers, a 501(c)(3) organization, and other shelter organizations.


Packed with love, each box holds a collection of gifts designed to soothe, pamper, and remind recipients that someone cares.

3 soft and colorful handmade pillowcases

6 books suitable for children of all ages

6 organic and healing essential oil gold and flower-enhanced rollerballs and gentle, comforting room and body sprays (created by ZAPnZEN)











The box of goodies has arrived from Ohio! Thank you Pat Rullo for not only your support to Enchanted Makeovers Traveling Pillowcase Project, but igniting/inspiring authors to donate their books. Thank you to the first five contributors to Pat’s latest book, Wellness through Words. Love this collaboration, the room and body essentials created by Pat and most importantly our friendship. It takes ALL of us! Thank you🙏 , Terry Grahl


*If you can do your part sooner rather than later, it will expedite the coordination and editing process.

October 1, 2024 – Chapter done, edits (if any) accepted and approved by you

October 30, 2024 – All chapters will be complete and ready to send to layout

The publishing date will be in December of 2024. I’ll let you know as we get near.

The Process

Each chapter will follow a question-and-answer format to simplify the writing process and save you time. We will email you custom questions specific to you and your topic, story, problem, solution, etc., for further exploration. Once you have finished answering the questions, kindly return your responses to us. If however, you enjoy writing, you can write your chapter without the Q&A prompts. Just let me know which you prefer. Either way, our team of experienced editors can meticulously polish and refine your chapter, ensuring it is ready for publication. The final decision to accept any changes will ultimately be up to you.

To enhance readability, each chapter will be short and may include up to 1800 words. We value your expertise and trust your judgment in curating the most relevant and impactful content for the book. Please avoid creating answers that are promotional or sales-focused. Additionally, please refrain from promoting any political or religious ideology. Place importance on objective facts, data, your experience, and compelling evidence rather than individual opinions or beliefs.

We will include your brief bio and contact information at the end of your chapter, where you can reference your work, books, etc. Readers can then contact you directly.

Our team also includes a skilled interior book designer for e-book and paperback layouts. The paperback will be 6×9 with a color cover and white interior pages. Firebird Inked, an imprint of Millennium Star Publishing, will publish the book.





You’ll receive a free paperback copy with no obligation to buy more books. If you decide to purchase additional books, you’ll get the discounted Amazon author’s rate, which will be determined once we have the total number of pages. You have complete freedom to sell the book at any price you prefer.

Being featured in an anthology is a smart marketing move. One of the most compelling reasons to join our book anthology is the increased visibility it offers. By having your work featured alongside others, you can tap into the existing fan bases of the co-contributors and attract a new audience who may not have discovered you otherwise. This exposure can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. You will also have your own personal page on this website to share whatever you’d like to make available to our audience. If you have ideas you’d like to discuss, please email Pat Rullo: pat@speakupandstayalive.com

To join us, please make the chapter fee donation and fill out the short form below. We need both to secure your place and topic.

STEP 1 – Chapter Fee – $198.00





STEP 2 – Fill Out The Form

If you have additional thoughts or questions, please email Pat Rullo: pat@speakupandstayalive.com