Karen Curtiss – Highway to Heart, Humor, and Honesty in Healthcare Interview

Karen Curtiss – Highway to Heart, Humor, and Honesty in Healthcare Interview


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Author – Safe & Sound in the Hospital: Must-Have Checklists and Tools for Your Loved One’s Care,

Co-Author – Safe & Sound Nursing Tools for Family Engagement in Patient-Centered Care

Founder – CampaignZERO, Families for Patient Safety, www.CampaignZERO.org

Founder – Patient Safety Speaker Network, wwwPatientSafetySpeakers.org

Co-Chair -Falls Prevention Work Group, Patient Safety Movement Foundation

Advisor – Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology Research

Advisor – American Sentinel University, Nursing Degree Program

Member – Center for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Panel on Infection Prevention and Control

Member –  HPESS (Health Professions Summer Symposium), Dartmouth College

Speaker – Frequent speaker at health care conferences


Member – American Academy of Pediatrics, Patient Safety Work Group

Consultant – Abbott, Global Citizenship and Policy

More than 400,000 patients a year lose their lives to accidental cracks in our health care system. Karen Curtiss’s father , Bill Aydt, was one such fatality. She is determined to transform the tragedy of his death from lapses in patient safety into tangible tools other families can use to help ensure their loved ones have the possible outcomes. To do this, she gave up a marketing career, consulting to Fortune 500 companies, to scour nursing textbooks, slog through medical studies, and talk to patient safety experts all over the globe to study how hospital care is managed; where cracks in care occur, and; best nursing practices to prevent them.

Then she distilled a lot of complex medical information into quick, simple checklists all families can use to safeguard hospital care for their loved ones and support recovery at home. You can find these checklists, free of charge to read and download, at CampaignZERO.org. Karen is also building a network of community speakers nationwide for grass roots education on how to navigate the healthcare system, something that’s really daunting for most of us — who didn’t go to medical school! You can find more information about our topics and speakers at PatientSafetySpeakers.org.

Karen’s personal mantra is, “We go further, faster with friends” – and she is very happy for the chance, today, to chat with her friend and colleague in patient safety, Pat Rullo.



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